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Melissa L Watkins


Hello, my name is Melissa L Watkins, IET® Master-Instructor Teacher, and the Founder of Guidance 311.   I am an Empath, who is able to feel the emotions of others’ and reading the "field" of energy that is all around us to help you experience healing and relief through the Universal Energy of Love by working with the Angels,  and your higher-self.

  • Messages from Spirit

  • Be Empowered 

  • Find your partner

  • Receive Your Purpose

  • Live your Passion

  • Have Financial Freedom

  • Meet Your Spirit Guides

  • Come into Connection with Your Higher-Self

  • Heal the Traumas and Dramas 

  • Deserve Happiness

  • Release Anxiety

  • Your unique question and much more!



Home: About Me

“I have worked with Melissa for the last three years, to deepen myself and spiritual knowledge. Her Intuitive Guidance and Mediumship courses have helped me expand my gift and confidence using it. I highly recommend her Integrated Energy Therapy sessions (IET) for the clearing of one’s energy field, and rejuvenation of spirit. Melissa is an extremely talented, articulate, and compassionate spiritual healer and teacher.” Stacey, NY

Four years ago I started to align with my worthiness. I then embarked on a healing journey. A beautiful lady shared Melissa with me and I am so grateful that she did. The moment when I first listened to Melissa speak I felt a connection. I was drawn to IET for two reasons: to deepen my healing, and become an IET Practitioner. I want to share my experiences with others. I had three IET sessions with Melissa and WOW! Since my sessions and moving through the integration process I have felt empowered; more inner strength, confidence, worthiness, knowing, etc.. I know I have more layers to heal but my spirit feels lighter. I trust that I can take the leap and FLY!

IET is worth the investment!
~Jacqueline Kim

Newfoundland Canada

I was so excited and blessed to have my first ever IET session with Melissa in person!  I didn’t really know what to expect but was pleasantly surprised. It was so relaxing and I could feel the energy moving! I feel it continued to work long after the session. My dreams became very vivid and brought up old emotions I needed to put away once and for all. I am so happy that it is almost time for my second session. It’s amazing!! ~Sharon, NY

From the moment I first heard Melissa’s reading I knew…just totally sensed she is beautifully sincere and compassionate. I’ve had a few IET sessions and my life has begun to change phenomenally! The angelic energy is not only transforming from within but my environment is also dramatically shifting into a new reality. My body is experiencing healing and my energy field is becoming more vibrant and protective. I’m so very thankful for Melissa sharing her gifts of healing so that others may experience the evolution of being (across lifetimes). TM—(Guam)

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Session Information

Sessions will receive a confirmation email with a Zoom link for virtual appointments and address and instructions for in-person appointments.

  • I will open the meeting five minutes prior to the start time.

  • In-person appointment, please add that to the comment box at check out. 


The Empower Energy sessions are an hour long and you just need a quiet place to relax.

  • The first 15min of a session is the "intention setting" portion, where we will join the Zoom meeting from the link in your confirmation email.

  • The following 30-45 minutes are me and the angels facilitating the healing through transforming and releasing.

  • After the session, I will email you my experience with an invitation for a 20min debriefing call included so that you may ask any questions, describe your experience, or gain clarity.

  • I like to give a few days of integration before we have that call; however that will be at your discretion.

  • In-person appointment-we will follow up during closing at session. 

  • Packages are available (Explore Plans).

Let's begin today living lighter, more authentic, and able to manifest your BEST life!

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Guidance 311 App

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An app for your phone or tablet to book a service on the go, to contact me when you need to, or get alerted when I drop a new blog. Or I schedule a Live Event or Host a Free Guidance Gathering. Ease and Convenience. Click the button to download today!

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To realize that you are not your thoughts is when you begin to awaken spiritually.

Eckhart Tolle

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